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Zaproszenie z dnia 19.01.2022 r.

Nr sprawy:
Termin składania ofert: 31.01.2022 , godzina 13:00
Przedłużenie terminu do dnia: 09.02.2022 , godzina 13:00
Kontakt: Jerzy Wordliczek, tel. +48126631066, e-mail: jerzy.wordliczek@uj.edu.pl
Status: zakończone

Cracow, 4th February 2022

To whom it may concern,

A procurement procedure is handled under the mode of a procedure as applicable to the announcement of invitation to tender based on the Article 11 item 5 clause 1 of the Act of September 11, 2019 – Public Procurement Law (i.e. Journal of Law of 2021 item 1129 as amended) and Act of April 23, 1964 – Civil Code (i.e. Journal of Law of 2020 item 1740 as amended). The subject of the procurement shall be the delivery of the precision positioning stages for the PolyX beamline at the National Centre for Synchrotron Radiation SOLARIS in Kraków.

Questions and answers to the Invitation

Ordering Party presents below the questions and answers provided in the proceedings.

Question 1:

Appendix no 1 to the bid form

  1. Do I need to copy every item within each stage assembly (e.g. as in the quotations attached, say 1.0 to 1.5, stage, encoders, motors, calibration, etc.) to a separate line or shall I rather copy the whole assembly content with all the items included in one line?
  2. If the latter – I’ll include a summary price for the whole assembly (as in my quotations, as in Appendix A of the tender), right? - applies to the item Net price / (pcs*/set*)
  3. Shall this price contain the 23% VAT tax? - applies to the item net price.

The Ordering Party informs that the aforementioned quotations have not been attached to these questions and answers as it would constitute a violation of the principles of fair competition.


Answer 1a:

No, in "Appendix 1 - price calculation" you don't need to list each stage. It is sufficent to include two positions: 5-axis system, 2-axis system. However, please additionally send your quotes with all stages and elements in the final submission.

Answer 1b:
Yes, include summary price of the 5-axis and 2 axis systems, as in your quotes.

Answer 1c:

No, please do not add VAT.


Question 2:

Appendix no 2 to the bid form

Is it applicable to us, thus do I need to fill it? Since we manufacture everything in-house – it seems that it is irrelevant.


Answer 2:

The Ordernig Party informs that the Appendix no 2 to the bid form is closely related to the content of chapter 3, section 7.3 of the Invitation. If you meet the participation condition described in chapter 3 sec. 7.1 of the Invitation alone, this Appendix does not apply to you.

Ordering Party informs that the above questions and answers to the Invitation constitute its integral part, and at the same time Due to the scope and characteristic thereof and the date of announcement, there is no need to postpone the deadline for submission of bid. In result The Ordernig Party underline that deadlines (including hours and place) for submission of the bids and its opening remain unchanged.

Kind regards,

Jerzy Wordliczek