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Zaproszenie z dnia 19.01.2022 r.

Nr sprawy:
Termin składania ofert: 31.01.2022 , godzina 13:00
Przedłużenie terminu do dnia: 09.02.2022 , godzina 13:00
Kontakt: Jerzy Wordliczek, tel. +48126631066, e-mail: jerzy.wordliczek@uj.edu.pl
Status: zakończone

Cracow, 31st January 2022  r.


To whom it may concern


A procurement procedure is handled under the mode of a procedure as applicable to the announcement of invitation to tender based on the Article 11 item 5 clause 1 of the Act of September 11, 2019 – Public Procurement Law (i.e. Journal of Law of 2021 item 1129 as amended) and Act of April 23, 1964 – Civil Code (i.e. Journal of Law of 2020 item 1740 as amended).The subject of the procurement shall be the delivery of the precision positioning stages for the PolyX beamline at the National Centre for Synchrotron Radiation SOLARIS in Kraków.


Dear Sir or Madam,

Ordering Party in order to unify the language versions, the phrase is deleted from the 7) English version of the Invitation: „to the Public Procurement Department of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, ul. Straszewskiego 25/3 and 4, 31-113 Cracow by a e-mail”. Moreover, the Ordering Party changes the deadline for submitting offers to the day 09.02.2022 r. by 1:00 pm.

Yours sincerely

Jerzy Wordliczek